(Please be online between 12:50 and 12:55 PM so we can all start together on time.)
Click on this Zoom link:
Saturday, March 28, 2020 from 1:00 to 2.30 PM with Shana L. Klinger
Appropriate for all levels Pre-registration appreciated – Drop-in ok (Please arrive by 12:55 so we can all start together.) $20-$40 donation.
To register contact shana.l.klinger@gmail.com
This class offers Buddhist meditation techniques and insights to:
• Benefit from the Buddha’s understanding of how identification with thoughts, emotions and sensations gives rise to mental suffering.
• Recognize and loosen the habit of identification with thoughts, emotions and sensations through meditations of mindfulness and calm abiding.
• Experiment with relaxing and making space around attachment/wanting and aversion/resisting, rather than engaging or struggling with them.
• Develop greater kindness in relation to identification with judgements about self and others.
Instructor: Shana Lieberman Klinger, M.A. Psychology, brings more than 40 years of experience in Buddhist meditative techniques and humanistic psychology to her classes, workshops, and one-to-one consultation. She loves practicing and sharing the Dharma. She began Vipassana meditation in 1974 and has practiced since then in the Zen and Vajrayana traditions.
Bio at http://www.heartmindspace.com/about/about-shana/
This is part of a series of classes/workshops: Cultivating the heart-mind in 2020 To learn more visit heartmindspace.com