The Magic Roller: For a Pain Free and Flexible Spine,
A Feldenkrais Workshop with Sumati Eberstadt
Sunday,March 4, 2-5:30pm, cost $35, Pre registration required
Doing Feldenkrais is usually a pretty low-tech endeavor. Still, now and then we use rollers - in this workshop, soft rollers - to move, soothe and invigorate your spine and pelvis.
“The Magic Roller” is a series of Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement (ATM) lessons that use a simple rolled up blanket or towel to provide support, stimulation, new sensations and unfamiliar feedback to your system. These ATMs are incredibly relaxing. The uneven surfaces help loosen up all those small joints along the spine and ribs. They amplify the effect of the movements you make. The roller is placed along your length, in the middle or a little off-center, or across your body in various places. It is firm enough to provide clear support and a bit of instability, but soft enough to be comfortable and welcoming. We roll, rock, slide, oscillate and twist with the roller. Fun and restful, challenging and unusual.
We will focus on freedom of the pelvis, spine, and ribcage. You will learn to let go where you are tight, move where you are stiff, and breath in unfamiliar places. You’ll have a simple, low-tech tool to use when your back aches, or when that place between your shoulder blades, seizes up. The Magic Roller is a way to keep your back pain free and flexible, or simply to relax your whole self when rest is what you need. Restorative, effective and do-able!For information and to register, contact Sumati at